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German Sim Mod Foundation • View topic - Tong Hop Phuong Phap Ca cuoc Goc

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 Post subject: Tong Hop Phuong Phap Ca cuoc Goc
PostPosted: 17.09.2024 04:23 

Joined: 30.06.2023 11:27
Posts: 50
Tong Hop Phuong Phap Ca cuoc Goc
Cuoc goc trong bong da mang lai cam giac hoi hop va phan khich doc dao cho nguoi tham gia. So voi cac phuong phap ca cuoc pho bien khac, cuoc goc tren/duoi co nhung meo cu the giup ban gianh chien thang.
Cuoc goc la gi?
Truoc khi tim hieu loai meo bong da hay nhat hap dan nay cho ngay hom nay, truoc tien chung ta hay tim hieu da phat goc la gi.
Da phat goc la gi?
Da phat goc xay ra khi mot doi da bong ra ngoai vach cau mon cua doi minh, trao cho doi doi phuong mot qua phat goc. Sau do, cau thu thuc hien cu da tu goc san, nham muc dich tao ra co hoi ghi ban.
Thong thuong, da phat goc dan den ban thang it hon 10% thoi gian, khien chung tro nen dac biet thu vi doi voi nguoi dat cuoc.
==> xem them lam co ca do bong da la gi ? Tim hieu khai niem ve co ca do bong da
Hieu ve ca cuoc goc trong bong da
Tu loai hinh choi nay, ca cuoc goc da xuat hien, mang den cho nguoi dat cuoc mot lua chon khac de dat cuoc vao mot tran dau. Ban se dat cuoc dua tren so lan da phat goc trong thoi gian thi dau chinh thuc.
Loai cuoc nay kha can bang vi khong doi nao co tinh tao ra cac tinh huong anh huong den ket qua. Theo truyen thong, nhieu nguoi ca cuoc co kinh nghiem da chuyen ve cuoc goc va tro nen giau co nho thanh thao loai cuoc nay.


Cac loai cuoc goc
Dua tren so luong goc,trang mang ca do bong da online cung cap mot so loai cuoc goc:1X2: Cuoc doi nao se co nhieu goc hon, tuong tu nhu ty le cuoc chau Au, trong do 1 la doi chu nha, X la hoa va 2 la doi khach.Tren/Duoi (O/U):
Nha cai dat mot so cu the va nguoi dat cuoc se cuoc xem so goc thuc te se cao hon hay thap hon con so do.
Chap: Doi duoc du doan co nhieu goc hon se chap doi thu, tuong tu nhu cuoc chap chau A.Le/Chan (O/E): Cuoc xem tong so goc se la le hay chan.Tong so goc: Du doan chinh xac so qua phat goc
.Phat goc dau tien/cuoi cung: Cuoc xem doi nao se duoc huong qua phat goc dau tien hay cuoi cung.
Tinh toan Thang va Thua trong Cuoc Goc
Tinh toan thang va thua cho cuoc goc tuan theo cac nguyen tac giong nhu cac loai cuoc khac:1X2, O/E, Goc Dau Tien/Cuoi Cung:Cuoc Thang: Tien Thang=Tien Cuoc Ty Le Cuoc
Cuoc Thua: Thua=Tien CuocO/U, Chap:Toan Thang: Tien Thang=Tien Cuoc Ty Le Cuoc
Nua Thang: Tien Thang=(Tien Cuoc * Ty Le Cuoc) / 2Toan Thua: Thua=Tien Cuoc
Nua Thua: Thua=Tien Cuoc /
2 tip bong da pro De Thang Cuoc Goc Tren/Duoi
Cuoc goc duoc ua chuong vi tan suat cao hon trong cac tran dau so voi cuoc dua tren ty so, tang co hoi chien thang.
Tuy nhien, hoc hoi tu cac chuyen gia co the giup ban thanh cong hon:
Cac Tran Tan Cong Thuong Xuyen: Cac tran dau co loi choi tan cong lien tuc thuong dan den nhieu qua phat goc hon.
Cac Tien Dao Cao: Cac doi co tien dao cao co xu huong tao ra nhieu tinh huong phat goc hon.
Cac Doi Phong Thu: Cac doi co hang phong ngu chat che thuong de thung luoi nhieu qua phat goc hon.Goc tuan tu: Goc co the xay ra lien tiep.
Phan tich du lieu truoc tran dau: Xem lai so lieu thong ke cua doi truoc khi dat cuoc.
Giai dau quen thuoc: Dat cuoc vao cac giai dau va cau lac bo quen thuoc.
Cuoc truc tiep: Dat cuoc truc tiep neu dien bien tran dau khong the doan truoc.
Da dang hoa cuoc: Ket hop cac loai cuoc goc khac nhau va luan phien giua cac tran dau.
Xem xet cac cuoc khac: Dung chi tap trung vao cuoc goc. Nhung diem chinh khi cuoc goc truc tuyen Cuoc goc khong kho neu ban co du kien ​​thuc va luon canh giac. Nhung cu da nay khong phai ngau nhien ma duoc ca hai doi tinh toan chien luoc.
Sau day la mot so meo de tang co hoi chien thang cua ban:Xem xet doi hinh: Cac doi co cau thu chay canh manh co kha nang kiem duoc nhieu qua phat goc hon.
Cac doi hinh hien dai thuong co hau ve bien va cau thu chay canh phoi hop hieu qua.
Tam quan trong cua tran dau: Cac tran dau co so tien cuoc cao, chang han nhu ban ket hoac chung ket, thuong co nhieu qua phat goc hon do loi choi than trong.
Chien luoc cuoc truc tiep: Dat cuoc theo thoi gian thuc la lua chon khon ngoan cho cuoc goc. Quan sat tran dau mot luc truoc khi quyet dinh dat cuoc.

 Post subject: Re: Tong Hop Phuong Phap Ca cuoc Goc
PostPosted: 02.11.2024 05:29 

Joined: 17.02.2024 11:28
Posts: 136092

 Post subject: Re: Tong Hop Phuong Phap Ca cuoc Goc
PostPosted: 03.12.2024 03:09 

Joined: 17.02.2024 11:28
Posts: 136092

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